Engaging, strategic health content that sounds and feels like you.

Writing content for or about your business, services or yourself is hard. You know the quality of content you want to produce and who you want it to resonate with, but when the words hit the paper (screen), or you get your content back from a non-medical writer… it just doesn't hit the mark. It’s not an accurate reflection of your services, product or organisation. And what’s more damaging is that it’s not what your target market (or search engines) need to hear to take that next step with you. So there goes your revenue.
This is one of our key strengths: we understand exactly what you want to say, and then present it in a way that prospective customers or patients want to read. And we absolutely nail it, every time.
Every piece of content we create includes deep diving into the mind of your reader to understand their objections to making a purchase decision. We also take the time and care to get to know you, what you stand for, and your vision for your content, enabling us to create something that sounds uniquely like you - not just “another” website, article, or lead-gen tool that is easily looked past or forgotten.
Australia And New Zealand Medical Writers

Our team uses best-practice writing principles paired with marketing psychology to create exceptional content. Every writer on our team also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science, Health Science or Medicine as a minimum. Many of us have been in your shoes in clinical practice. We’re the only content writing agency across Australia, New Zealand and the UK that can claim this at present.
The result is engaging and medically accurate content that speaks to your target audience. And because we don’t have to spend hours researching medical terminology or starting from the ground up with medical principles, we save you time, money and rounds of technical revisions.
One of our talented medical copywriters, Hannah (Bachelors of Pharmacology & Commercial Law)
Nina Gorrell, Medical and Health Writer
Led by senior medical content writer, copywriter and former practising health professional, Nina Gorrell, the content created by Word Prescription wins the hearts and minds of hundreds and thousands of readers every month. And after completing over two thousand content projects and refining our services, we’re no longer taking the backseat with humble words: we’re excellent.
We absolutely love delivering exceptional health and medical content to forward-thinking organisations, clinics and businesses, and being able to perfectly convey their message across a variety of platforms.

... if there’s one thing we want you to know?
Your words give your customers their first impression of your business, what you stand for, and the experience they'll have with you - whether you like it or not. And they’ll keep making that impression over and over again, day after day, every time they see those words. Take the time to get those words right, or let us do that for you.
Your values matter. Here are ours.

No Limitations
A problem is just an opportunity to find an effective and innovative solution. Constantly learning, improving and striving for success is key. Executing work to consistently high standards that go above and beyond is our baseline.

Whole-hearted integrity. Solid foundations built on respect, trust, loyalty & dependability. Listening to understand. Supportive environments share ideas, propel communication and big thinking. Sharing humour, laughter and fun. Celebrating wins and exceeding expectations. People first.

Do Good, Be Great
Paying it forward to friends and strangers alike. Proactively doing the right thing, uncompromisingly, for the success and well-being of people and the earth. Supporting, empowering and inspiring passion in others. Taking the time to recognise the value in others around us. Being remarkable.